TODD 의 사과농장

Input Remapper 1.0.01 Beta 본문


Input Remapper 1.0.01 Beta

TODD 2009. 8. 7. 08:59

Input Remapper 1.0.01 Beta has been released!

For full functionality please remove Boot Camp 1.1.x keyboard drivers.

2006-11-30 - Version 1.0.01 Beta
* Added: Full Vista 32 bit support.
* Added: Support for fast user switching.
* Fixed: Update fan speeds and screen backlight every 15 seconds.
* Fixed: Misc bugs.
* Note: Should not be used together with another tool that uses the SMC such as MacBook Tray Tools because of conflicts with accessing the SMC at the same time.
* Note: Automatic dimming is not perfect and needs some delays and tweaks in a future version.
* Note: Do not use under 64-bit Vista for now. Might work if driver signing is disabled in boot menu.
* Note: Apple keyboard drivers should be uninstalled.
* Note: If screen brightness and keyboard backlight controls seems to not be working try holding the keys down longer.

Keys bound on MacBook Pro
* The default keypad like in OSX. This includes num-lock functionality
* fn+Left Click = Right Click
* fn+Backspace = Delete
* fn+Eject = PrintScreen
* fn+F1 = Decrease Brightness
* fn+F2 = Increase Brightness
* fn+F3 = Toggle Mute
* fn+F4 = Decrease Volume
* fn+F5 = Increase Volume
* fn+F6 = Toggle Num-Lock
* fn+F8 = Toggle Keyboard Backlight
* fn+F9 = Decrease Keyboard Backlight
* fn+F10 = Increase Keyboard Backlight
* fn+F11 = Media Play
* fn+F12 = Media Stop
* fn+Up = Page Up
* fn+Down = Page Down
* fn+Left = Home
* fn+Right = End
* fn+Ctrl+Alt+Backspace = Ctrl+Alt+Delete
* Eject = Eject all optical discs
* Enter = Right Click

Any questions, requests, or bug reports should be made in this thread. Thanks!
